2. Don’t Ask Her to Tell You What You Need to Change
- You’ve become too insecure, needy and clingy in the relationship with her.
- You’re not manly enough for her and she feels more like your friend or sister, rather than your girlfriend.
- You’re too much of a pushover and you let her get away with bad behavior, so she doesn’t feel safe with you because she can see that you don’t know how to stand up for yourself in an assertive, but loving way.
- You’ve been taking her for granted (e.g. letting her do all the housework or run all the errands, putting her in second or third place in your life, breaking your promises to her).
- You’re not reaching for your true potential in life (e.g. pursuing your big dreams and goals) and are sitting around wasting your life away (e.g. watching TV, playing video games, remaining stuck in a dead-end job).
3. Give Her 3 to 7 Days of Space
4. Begin to Fix the Things About You That Have Been Turning Her Off
- Put her in second place to his friends, family, hobbies and interests
- Become selfish and expect her to do all the housework, cooking or runs all the errands, even though he isn’t giving her the attraction experience that she wants when in a relationship.
- Expected her to stick with him for life because they were so in love at the start of the relationship.
- Become rude, mean or angry and expected her to put up with it.
- Focused too much on his work or studies and expected her to just wait in the background and see him from time to time.
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