FIX: Allocate time in your schedule to do some soul searching and invite your partner to do the same. Meditate, take long walks in nature, visit your friends, a museum, a new gallery or cool place you’ve been dying to see – even if you’ll feel inadequate or lonely at first, you will grow fonder of it with time. One of the most creative and empowering exercises is to take yourself on a date, every week, and use those 2 or 3 hours solely to do something that feeds your mind and your personality. Keep a journal if you must, but mostly, don’t cheat! Alone time is quality time, most of the time.FIX: Consider the elephant in the room and instead of trying to eliminate it, try to emphasize it. Are these people really as bad as they seem? Maybe your partner’s mom is no interior decor genius, nor a great cook, neither a master debater, but you have to look past these details at the way she raised her son. Because that’s what truly matters, and how her attitude reflects in the good ways he treats you. However, considering the scenario his or her parents are truly maleficent, disrespectful or simply unfriendly, you are not obliged to sit with them, or welcome them in your life like you otherwise would. Your partner also should hear about your feelings – you are together in this and they are supposed to defend you, stand up for you and intervene wherever his family grows too weary.FIX: Some would joke here: Why don’t you start smoking yourself? Well, firstly, because you don’t have that habit, secondly because you shouldn’t feel forced to change your lifestyle over a person, yes, not even over a person you love. On the other hand, they obviously won’t find it easy to quit just because of you. Remembering chain-smoker Carrie Bradshaw aimlessly trying to quit in the dawn of her relationship with Aidan is a vivid example of that sort of a situation. People change only if THEY want to change, so it’s not your responsibility to teach them this lesson. Talk to your partner and try to reach an agreement. For instance, if they’re smoking, they should smoke only on the balcony or the kitchen. If they can’t get enough of the bottle, you’re not obliged to join them, they can get time off with their friends. Essentially, if they have a drug addiction issue, it’s your own health you also have to consider, emotionally and physically, and also whether you can truly help them (or want to).FIX: You may not have been used to sharing everything with a partner before. This is especially difficult if you’re an only child, who never had to split things with a sibling. You may literally hate the way they leave their clothes on the floor (and never pick them up) before hitting the shower. You may find gross how they forget to wash the dishes for days. On the other hand, you might feel uneasy with the way they speak on the phone too loud, want to make small talk when you have nothing to say, or take up space in your already small studio. Essentially, you may feel like seeing this person day and night is too much, and there’s nothing wrong with that, some of us simply need more space in our lives and in our beds. Moving in together is a serious decision and you should abstain from doing it just to make rent payments easier on you. Consider the pros and cons of living together in opposition to living alone. Listen to what your partner has to say and try not to compete with them on claiming what’s yours and what’s theirs to change. If you can’t afford living alone, define clear rules for your personal space and theirs, and perhaps work a bit on the way the apartment’s laid out. With a bit of creativity and some simple interior design tips, you can declutter your living space and be able to even create your own comfortable nest, where no one will bother you.
I just want to give a quick advise to any one out there that is having difficulty in his or her relationship to contact Dr.Agbazara because he is the only one that is capable to bring back broken relationship or broken marriages within time limit of 48 hours. You can contact Dr.Agbazara by calling him on his mobile/ WhatsApp +2348104102662 or write him through his email at ( )