Wednesday, February 17, 2021

3 Easy Ways of Being to Attract More Love Into Your Life


 3 Easy Ways of Being to Attract More Love Into Your Life (The Perfect Life Partner )

Hello Wonderful Readers!

I am passionate about sharing love with others.

If you want to attract more love into your life, here are 3 simple ways.

1.Be Love

You are not the body. You are not the mind. You are love.

Do you see the sun? Be like that!

“Be like the sun who always shines and never says “You owe me.”

Love radiates only Love.

Just be love.

2.Be Loving

Ask yourself “What are some characteristics of someone who is loving?” Then, be that!

Is nagging someone called “loving”?
Is complaining about yourself or someone else called “loving”?
Is gossiping called “loving”?
Is judging others called “loving”?
What are you being?
How can you be more loving?

Life does not come your way sometime. Whatever life brings, being loving is a choice. You always have a choice to be loving or the other way around.

It is a choice to be loving be hateful.
It is a choice to forgive vs. to hold on to anger.
It is a choice to be free vs. to be in the prison of the mind.

What choice would you like to make?

3.Be Lovable

What does it mean to be “Loveable”?

You are lovable!

Don't let the mind tell you that you are not. Don't let others tell you that you are not.

If you don't like something about yourself, change it. The first step is to accept your own flaws. Then, admit that you have something to work on. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Whatever it is, forgive yourself. Love yourself completely.


1.What am I feeling?
2.What am I hearing?
3.Who can I give unconditional love to today?

Be love, loving, and lovable. Let your LOVE and LIGHT shine!

Keep on loving! It is very contagious!


 The Perfect Life Partner 

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Writer: Ranjot Singh Chahal

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