Monday, February 22, 2021

How to Get What You Want by The Perfect Life Partner Blog



Dear Wonderful Readers,

What is your biggest dream?

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
~Walt Disney

I would like to share a story with you.

Once there was a little seven years old Thai girl who dreamed of living in the USA. People laughed at her when she shared her dreams because it was ridiculous to others. She was growing up with poverty. Sometime she did not even have food to eat. She grew up starving. There was no way that the dream of that little girl would come true from other people's perspective. Nothing stopped that little girl to keep on dreaming. When she was 18, she kept dreaming that one day she could be able to speak English so that she could meet with an American man. People around her looked down on her ability to graduate from college. Nothing stopped that young, determined woman. She studied English in college and graduated within three and a half year. Her dream was to be able to speak English so that one day she could meet with her dream man and be able to communicate. When she was 25, she met an American man. She fell in love with him. They got married, had two beautiful children and lived happily ever after until he passed away five years after marriage. (He died 10 years ago and left her with 2 small children...)

The girl in this story was me. My point of telling you this story was to encourage you to dream big. Don't worry about what other people think of you. Don't worry about how ridiculous your dream is. Don't worry about how you are going to achieve it. The most important key is to really know what you truly want, believe in yourself, keep dreaming, focus on what you want, and take actions. The universe will respond to what you. You have to be very clear, specific, determined, and focused.

If you want to find your Ideal Life Partner, you will find that special someone. When you look for him/ her, that person is also searching for you!

The following steps can be applied in any area of your life. It works for me and many people. I get what I want; husband, kids, home, car, job, and friendship. If this can happen to me, it can happen to you too!

Here are some tips on getting what you want.

1.Be crystal clear and specific for what you want
2.Let go of your limiting beliefs
3.Dream big
4.Set Goals
5.Take actions
6.Believe in yourself
7.Be determined and focused on your goal
8.Be detached from the outcome (Focus on your goal. Trust the Divine Spirit to bring you for what you need. If you don't get what you want, it means that it is not meant to be for you. Let it go. Set another goal. There is someone or something greater and the best is yet to come your way!)
9.Enjoy the process
10.Expect miracles!

Here are some inquiries for you:

1.What is your biggest dream right now; dream job, home, place to live, weight, partner, etc.?
2.What is stopping you from getting what you want?
3.What is your action plan?
4.Who are you being? Are you being positive or negative? Are you being optimistic or pessimistic? Are you being motivated or discouraged?
5.What attitude are you having?
6.How committed are you to pursue your dream?
7.What is your next small step to do in order for you to achieve what you want?

Have a great week!

Until next time..


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 The Perfect Life Partner 

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