Sunday, February 14, 2021

New Best Tips for Online Dating 2021-22 by THE PERFECT LIFE PARTNER



There are many people using online dating. Some people are successful, become couples, get married, and live happily ever after, but some aren’t. I am one of those successful people! There are 10 tips that I would like to share with you to help you with your success and results that you are looking for.

1. Do your homework

Research and determine which website is best for you. Generally the ones that charge you are better than the free ones. As an old saying that is said “You get what you pay for.”

2. Create an attractive and selective profile

Being attractive means using only positive words on your profile. Adding your sense of humor on your profile is a plus.

Do: I am looking for someone who is honest, spiritual and loves children.
Don’t: If you are not honest and spiritual, and if you do not like children, please don’t bother to respond.

Being selective means you design your profile based on your requirements, needs, and wants in your ideal relationships. Be clear about what you want and don’t want. Writing a profile that will attract fewer, but more qualitative responses is the best approach. Remember, your goal is to attract highly qualified individuals who are in alignment with what you want. If your profile is too vague, too general, or too inclusive, you will have to spend too much time sorting through responses to find those who are more closely matched with you.

3. Post your recent photos

If you do not have your recent photos, please take some. Head shot photos are terrific because people want to see your face, your eyes, and perhaps your smile. People like a smiley face, don’t you think?

4. Be honest and truthful

Being honest is one of important keys in wonderful relationships. If you are honest from the start, you will have a great score! Being honest and truthful for everything you say, you will show others about your values.

5. Limit your personal information on your profile

Being brief, precise, and honest is a great start for your profile. Your long stories are not necessary. Telling others about your past relationships are not necessary at this point. You want to create a wonderful impression when people read your profile. If your profile sounds like a great match for individuals, they will want to get to know you more and contact you.

6. Protect yourself

When signing up for an e-mail account, use your first name only. Leave your last name blank on the form. This will protect you from others to find out more information about you.

7. Give out your phone number

A safe way for you is to provide your cell phone number instead of your home phone number. You can also use skype, yahoo, google, or windows live to talk to the other person. You can even see his/her face if you have a webcam installed on your pc. Those are free. Giving out your cell phone number is to protect yourself until you get to know the other person better.

8. Start talking

You will get a feel when you start talking to someone. You will know by talking to the other person if he/she would be a good match for you. Your next step is meeting in person.

9. Meet in public

Your first meeting face to face will tell you a lot about the other person. Make sure you meet in public. Make sure your friends and relatives know where you are and who you are with.

10. Trust your inner voice

Your inner voice or “intuition” is powerful. Your inner voice, your heart, and your intuition know truth. After reading profiles, responding to e-mails, talking on the phone, and meeting in person, your will have a feeling about it. Your inner voice will tell you.

I hope this helps! Following those tips will help you with your online dating at some degree. Remember, you want a quality person who aligns with your requirements, needs, and wants. Therefore, please be clear about what you want and do not want. You have power to choose and create your own world! Have fun, be positive, and always trust your heart because it knows best!


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