Friday, February 19, 2021

[ NEW ] Ways to Say “No” Gracefully Without Feeling Guilty


 [ NEW ]  Ways to Say “No” Gracefully Without Feeling Guilty 

Dear Wonderful Readers,

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
~Helen Keller

Are you someone like me who have a hard time saying “no” to others?

Are you someone like me who love to volunteer and serve your community?

Are you someone like me who love to help everybody in needs?

When someone asks you to do something, whether they are your friends, your parents, your siblings, your relatives, your kids, your husband, or someone you know in your communities such as churches or any kind of organization, you want to help because you have a loving heart. Right? You want to serve because it makes you feel useful. You want to volunteer and give back to life. You want to give because that is the way to live a happy life. It makes you feel very good about living your life on purpose and being there for others.

We are here to serve and love others.

The truth is you can't say “Yes” to everything eventhough your heart wants to serve everybody.

The challenge comes when you need to say “no”.

The question is “How do you say “no” gracefully without feeling guilty?”

Here is how.

1.Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I would really love to help, but I am not available at this time.
2.Thank you for thinking of me. I can't help this time, but please ask me again in the future. I would love to help when I can.
3.Thank you for asking me. I already have another plan.

Always thank people who ask you to do something. Thank that person sincerely. You are asked to do something because people see you as a loving heart person who wants to serve. Perhaps you are a very easy person to talk to. You have been saying “yes” to everything.

The important key to keep in mind is that you do not owe your explanation to anyone. You have the right to say “no”.

The world does not end when you say “No”. Someone else will take care of situations. It is an opportunity for you to rejuvenate, rest, and get energized.

Guilt is poison. You don't need to feel guilty by saying “no” to others. You can choose to feel good about yourself, stand up for yourself, and take care of yourself. The more you take care of yourself, the bigger room you have for serving others. It is all get away from the crowd for awhile to restore, rejuvenate, and relax.

All is well.

Once you say “no” enough, then, you can go back to say “yes” more. Get some rest! Enjoy your quiet time.

The more you rest, the best serve you can contribute.

Always do everything with love. If you can't put your whole heart into it, don't do it.

It is not an amount of work that counts. It is your amount of love that matters.



 The Perfect Life Partner 

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