Sunday, February 15, 2015

Remembering the first kiss


Remembering the first kiss (name), darling, Since we started dating I feel much more sentimental. In my mind now there are only images of beautiful things, happy hours filled with love and plenitude. When I recall that first kiss, I know that was our great and definite moment. Unfortunately this action has become so trivial and meaningless nowadays that it is no longer a manifestation of love. Now this is something vulgar: people competing over who has kissed more people on the same night, many times they don t even introduce themselves, not even asking for names. What a flippant thing to do! Kissing for the sake of nothing at all... It is the emotional attraction that generates the physical chemistry, and that s what gives flavour to the act of kissing. It s really a pity that such a wonderful thing goes unappreciated these days: the kiss of the loved one... You have no idea about how significant it is to me, it was a dreamt thing, a gesture full of expectation and hope, truly unforgettable indeed. This perfect moment is being remembered today, and I can only feel love and happiness in my heart because of it. When we first kissed, that was by far the most intense minutes of our romance, undoubtedly the happiest day of my life. Love you! (signature)


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